Shanti is a burn violence survivor who lives in Kathmandu, Nepal. She obtained jewelry making skills from training conducted by Astitwa Nepal and has been slowly getting better at it. She loves making earrings and is looking forward to learning more designs. Her skills have enabled her to make a side income through her craft sales. Her other hobbies include cooking and working. She loves her three and a half years old son, Abhimanyu, and says that her days revolve around him. The coronavirus lockdown has served a wonderful time for her to spend more time with him.

Her source of motivation has been Rumi Rajbhandari, Co-Founder Astitwa Nepal as she feels, Rumi has been there for her since starting. As a burn survivor, she has already undergone 8-9 surgeries. 

"As a single mother, it is difficult to generate an income for me and my son. I am very thankful to RISE for providing me a platform to sell my products."